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1,253 bytes added ,  9 years ago
Created page with some info.
"This is what happens when you let an apple enter your eye.<br/>And you can often find what but eventually everything's empty of why."

Conor/riu/etc. I spend a lot of time thinking about physics/math/metamath and pretty much everything else. I've been vaguely aware of SEL since ca. 2000 but hadn't much delved into it until now. Suffice to say I find much of the work quite intuitive and exhilerating, probably more so than if I'd gone through it fifteen years ago.

I'm riyuky on tumblr and User:Riyuky on Wikimedia Foundation projects.

Though for the most part I only contribute to en.wikipedia and not as much as I'd like; time is short and I need to learn a good deal more to be helpful at this comparatively advanced stage of the projects' development.

Whether I'll be able to contribute anything of real merit here remains to be seen. There are several observations I have about the franchise (which as of this writing I haven't fully watched let alone fully ruminated on yet) that I don't see already mentioned or alluded to here but most of these are probably in the realm of speculation that's not easily verified (or if it has already been verified in interviews etc, then it's redundant).

But still to try, for who knows what's possible?


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