Serial Experiments Lain Magazines

From Serial Experiments Lain wiki

Here are scans of the many magazines (official and fan made) made over the last few decades in order from release. If the text in the scans are unclear, click on the photo and once inside the file page, click to preview the original photo (highest resolution). Credits to Lawmune for all the scans.

April 1998 - Issue of AX Magazine

July 1998 - Issue of AX Magazine

July 1998 - Issue of B Magazine

August 1998 - Issue of AX Magazine

September 1998 - Issue of AX Magazine

October 1998 - Issue of AX Magazine

November 1998 - Issue of AX Magazine

December 1998 - Issue of AX Magazine

Early Winter of 1999 - Interview of Chiaki J. Konaka by HK Magazine

March 1999 - Issue of Benkyo! Magazine (Italian)

September 1999 - Issue of Manga Max Magazine

October 1999 - Issue of Animerica Magazine

1999 - Issue of WinGraphic Magazine

May 2000 - Issue of Kawaii Magazine (Polish)

Kawaii Magazine (Polish)

No Longer Published Magazine (Polish)

April 2015 - Present - Lainzines