Source Code

From Serial Experiments Lain wiki
Revision as of 01:52, 31 January 2014 by Cyber-the-password-forgetter (talk | contribs) (added layer 1 stuff)

Layer 01

A teacher is seen copying some C code onto the chalkboard in Layer 01 just before Lain's fingertips begin to emit ectoplasm. It features a yen symbol instead of a backslash in an escape sequence. The teacher probably forgot something after the second percent symbol. Part of the code is not visible because the teacher is standing in the way. It reads as follows:

a='A'; b='B';
if(a>b) printf("%c>%¥n",/*teacher's head*/);
if(a==b) printf("%c=% // teacher's shoulders
if(a<b) printf("%c<%c // teacher's back
x=321; y=123;

Layer 07


In Layer 07, there is a scene where Lain is in class, surreptitiously working on her HandiNAVI instead of paying attention. For a few seconds, her NAVI screen is visible, and we can see her rapidly scroll through two files of Common Lisp source code, named CRowView.CL and Afx-n-nPrv-View.CL.

Afx-n-nPrv-View.CL is the source for a code walker. This was probably included for its tongue-in-cheek reference to Apple in a section of code that is commented out. The full file can be found here.

CRowView.CL contains code for John Conway's Game of Life. The creators probably selected this code because of its seemingly omnipotent implications, i.e. creating worlds and life. The full file can be found here.

Some more tenuous, coincidental links between CGoL and Lain include the fact that the recently established Hacker Emblem was inspired by the Game of Life, and Lain can be described as a hacker; and that CGoL also inspired the Wikipedia:Poietic Generator while Lain has been described as an autopoietic entity.