Visual Experiments Lain

From Serial Experiments Lain wiki

Visual Experiments Lain is a Serial Experiments Lain anime artbook. It mostly includes screencaps, concept art, some illustrations and information in Japanese. The layout is highly experimental.

It was originally published in 1999. There was a reissue in 2013. Whether the contents were altered or not in the 2013 version is unconfirmed.


Taken verbatim from the front flap of the book jacket, except for the description field.

Page No. Contents Description
01 What is " lain " ....? Various staff members' comments on what Lain means to them.
04 story & data Credits and synopses for each episode.
image of each layer & the making of the layers
08 layer:01 WEIRD wire, life, layout, NAVI series, weird, profile
12 layer:02 GIRLS
16 layer:03 PSYCHE
20 layer:04 RELIGION
24 layer:05 DISTORTION
30 layer:06 KIDS
34 layer:07 SOCIETY
40 layer:08 RUMORS
44 layer:09 PROTOCOL
48 layer:10 LOVE
58 layer:12 LANDSCAPE
64 layer:13 EGO
68 device# (kaori shimizu)
02 What is "lain"? (chiaki j. konaka / ueda yasuyuki)
24 digital effects & "NAVI" system (junji nakahara & tomokazu tokoro)
72 opening & ending themes (boa / CHABO)
74 sound direction,effects, & design

(youta tsurouka, kouji kasamatsu, & akira takemoto)

76 film direction & design (ryutaro nakamura & takahiro kishida)
special image graphics (original illustration/CG)




takahiro kishida
38-39 ueda yasuyuki
52-53 hidenori matsuhara
78-79 ryutaro nakamura (text: chiaki j. konaka)
